Cardiomyocyte maturation and its reversal during regeneration

Here, we review aspects of cardiomyocyte maturation and how this process is reversed during cardiomyocyte regeneration. We discuss molecular mechanisms regulating myofibril maturation, metabolic maturation, and polyploidization, and how/whether these processes need to be reversed in a regenerative setting. Lastly, we touch upon lesser studied aspects of cardiomyocyte regeneration, including cardiomyocyte invasion and replenishment of fibrotic tissue and cardiomyocyte re-differentiation following dedifferentiation and proliferation.

Beisaw A# and Wu CC#. Cardiomyocyte maturation and its reversal during cardiac regeneration. Developmental Dynamics. 2022; 1- 20. doi:10.1002/dvdy.557. #co-corresponding authors 


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